Having a rainy day fund is always a good idea. Whether you’ve got thousands of dollars squirrelled away or only a few hundred, you’re on the right track. Still, think you don’t need a rainy day fund? Think again, you’re about to learn why having a rainy day (losing your job) fund is so important and what you should do in an emergency when you don’t have one.
What’s the Big Deal About Having a Rainy Day Fund?
We get it, you’re making bank every week and have enough money to pay your bills, so why worry now? Why start saving money for a rainy day, because anything can happen that’s why. You could lose that job at any time. Then where would you be? If you’ve been living paycheck to paycheck and don’t have anything saved up to help tide you over after losing your job, you’ve got a big problem.
ALSO READ: Strange Ways to Budget
People can lose their job in any number of ways. All it takes is a family emergency that takes you away from work until you’re fired. The company could suddenly decide to downsize. Maybe a co-worker tattles on you and gets you in trouble. The list goes on, a job is a good thing to have, but you should learn not to depend on it.
With no job and no rainy day fund, you’ll be sweating bullets by the time your bills come in. While not ideal, your predicament is far from hopeless. All you need is some cash to see you through these hard times, but what kind of bank would lend money to you now?
While a bank won’t lend money to someone that’s recently out of work, a short-term lender like Cash Advantage would!
No Rainy Day Fund? Take Out a Short-term Loan!
No rainy day fund, no job, no problem! You’ll find that short-term lenders are much more flexible than banks and credit unions. You don’t need a job to qualify for a short-term loan like a title loan. You don’t even need to have good credit!
That’s right, you can be out of work with the worst credit in the world and still be able to qualify for a title loan. When you take out a title loan you can get your hands on hundreds or even thousands of dollars!
So what do you need to qualify for a title loan? As long as you have the title to a vehicle, you can qualify.
Ride Out the Storm with Cash Advantage
When you’re down on your luck, there aren’t many people who would be willing to help you as we can. If you lost your job and don’t have enough money saved up to cover your expenses, you’ll want to talk to us about the financial advantages of applying for a title loan. Everyone has a rainy day now and again, but not everyone has a fund for that day. As long as cash Advantage is around, you won’t need one, we’ve got you covered!
Put a little sunshine in your day with a fist-full-of-money from Cash Advantage!